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M Verdi Fahrudin, S.Pd., M.Pd., Gr. is one of the alumni who managed to achieve brilliant achievements. Several prestigious achievements have been achieved. One of them that he is currently winning is as an outstandin
Today (Tuesday, 23 August 2022) as many as 118 new students from the Unesa Geography Education department attended the PKKMB event which was held for four days together with PKKMB of all majors at FISH. The event was
The Department of Geography Education, FISH Unesa, has again carried out community service activities. This activity was carried out together with the Sampang Regency Senior High School MGMP and Sampang Regency MGMPIPS. The main theme raised is the I
1. The implementation of learning at the State University of Surabaya (Unesa) in the Odd Semester of 2022/2023 can be done through limited face-to-face learning (PTMT), or distance learning (online), and/or hybrid.
The Department of Geography Education has two lecturers starting in August 2022. These two new lecturers are professionals in their fields with doctoral education backgrounds from Radboud Universiteit - Nijmegen, the N
Programmed Geography Landscape Course in the 4th semester after students receive the basic material supporting the science of geography in semesters 1-3. The course is intended to develop intelligence basic spatial knowledge in the form of the abi
In line with the implementation of the full face-to-face meeting policy and the declining level of PPKM in Yogyakarta, the Department of Geography Education has again conducted field studies. This field lecture is a mandatory course for all students
In line with the issuance of the Circular Unesa Chancellor Number B/17682/UN38/HK.01.01/2022 dated March 31, 2022 the Department of Geography Education again held face-to-face lectures 100% face. The Unesa Chancellor's Circular marks the end of o